
Welcome to the Nottingham and Notts. Kidney Patients Association (N&NKPA) website we are a charity run by patients, carers and friends.

N&NKPA was set up in 1976 to raise funds for the purpose of providing facilities and support for kidney patients at the Nottingham City Hospital and its satellite units.

The N&NKPA is a completely independent association. All facilities and activities are entirely funded by the efforts of the committee, members, nurses and friends.

During the year members will receive newsletters informing them of forthcoming events and trips out.

If you would like to support the N&NKPA in anyway, by joining the committee, organising a fundraising event whether large or small please contact a committee member.

World Kidney Day

The world kidney day is to be held every second Thursday of March. The next World Kidney Day will be on the 13th of March 2025

For more information please see their website.

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Nottingham & Notts Kidney Patients Association - Registered Charity No: 508882